Renu and Sunil Handa opened Saffron Indian Cuisine in Charlotte in 2008. Sunil first learned how to cook in his mother's kitchen and since then has acquired 35 years of experience in the hospitality industry. After completing his training, he worked as chef in 5 star hotels in New Delhi namely Ashoka, Hyatt Regency, and Kanishka hotel.
Before coming to Charlotte, Renu and Sunil owned and operated restaurants in Orange County and San Diego County in California.
Saffron sets the standard for innovative Indian dining in Charlotte. The team at Saffron is committed to presenting the fresh and exciting tastes of the many regions of India, in a warm and inviting atmosphere, all designed to entice and captivate our guests.
Sunil and his chefs are very passionate about the quality of food they serve. They use the perfect balance of fresh herbs and spices to elicit the subtle and tantalizing flavors of India in each dish. Nothing is spared in bringing the best food to your table.